Please know how deeply grateful we are for your presence and generosity. Your financial support makes our work possible. For 16 years, now you have carried us forward to financial sustainability, national recognition and significant mission accomplishment.
Also, purchase of Bringing Jon Home and Grief Travelers, books published by the Jon Francis Foundation, will financially support our mission. Thank you!
Since founding The Jon Francis Foundation in 2007:
To resolve unresolved loss, we have completed over 45 family engagements (guidance, grief support, missing person searches) in 19 states and Canada.
To prevent wilderness accidents, injury and death, The Jon Francis Foundation provides educational materials, FREE, to increase the knowledge, preparation and safety of wilderness campers, climbers, hikers and hunters.
We are a tax- exempt, nonprofit charity.
Your gift is tax deductible and greatly appreciated. The Jon Francis Foundation is a Minnesota nonprofit corporation and IRS 501(C) (3) charity. Our EIN is 20-8188863.
We are able to honor Jon’s life and memory and to bring some good from his loss because you care and offer generous help. Thank you!
David Francis
Executive Director